Happy Birthday! (Honey's in the middle) with Jim and Dave

Danny, Shelley Taylin and Peyton (above left); Chris, Mandi, Erin and Ian (above right)

Proud Papaw with Erin (awww)
Three very important ladies in Papaw's life

Proud Papaw with Peyton and Taylin
Ian and Erin
Peyton and Taylin
Wow, my first blog post. This is a little intimidating I must admit. To begin with I would like to share with you that 1) I am not a writer; 2) More than likely my posts will be few and far between; 3) I am honored that you are reading this.
Believe me I have really struggled at times with being a pastor’s wife. Me? You must be kidding! However, who am I to question God? My creator, sustainer, Savior, provider, the Holy of Holies! After all, where He places us He graces us. I know without a doubt that Almighty God gave me a deep love for this man of God. I had never met anyone who loved and served God with such passion and devotion. I desire to have this love and heart of servitude (which only God can give to us). I am continually learning and soaking up God’s Word. I am learning to love God through loving others whom in days of old I would have considered unlovable.
So what insight may I have to offer you? Only that I am being renewed day by day and will continue to be until the day of Christ Jesus my Lord. Hallelujah and Amen!