Introducing, in the left corner whom some would call “Louse Man” and in the right corner “Hubby of the Year”. Ladies and gentlemen, lads and lassies, today I came home from work to a most wonderful and inviting aroma. What is that smell? Has someone been baking? It smells like cinnamon bread. My husband whom I will from here on refer to as HY (Hubby of the Year) met me at the door with a big smile. “Have you been baking?”, I asked incredulously. Still smiling, I say, “You’ve got me curious” as I follow him to the kitchen. There, on the stove was a most beautiful sight. Pineapple chicken, kielbasa in diced tomatoes and basil, cinnamon green beans, potatoes a la Dan (my dear friend Cindy’s man of the year) and ….. (drum roll please)….. fresh baked bread. Needless to say this was a welcome home I will always remember. Not only did it have a great presentation, but was absolutely delicious as well. And that, my friends, is only one of the many reasons my husband is way in the lead for Hubby of the Year!